4 Panduan dasar dalam memilih mana batu akik berkualitas yaitu dengan 4C (color, clarity, cut, dan carat)


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1. Color

Yang pertama adalah cek warnanya. Pastikan batu akik yang dipilih memiliki warna yang tajam dan menarik (eye-catching). Kabarnya, semakin tajam kedalaman warnanya, kualitas batu pun semakin baik.

2. Clarity

Lanjut yang kedua adalah clarity atau tingkat kejernihan/kecerahan batu. Pastikan baru yang mau dibeli tembus cahaya (beberapa jenis batu) dan memiliki tekstur mengkilap kayak kristal. Tapi meskipun tingkat kejernihan yang tinggi, enggak ada batu asli yang bisa mulus dan sempurna 100%. Batu akik asli selalu memiliki inklusi atau ketidaksempurnaan yang merupakan pola alami dari batu akik meskipun cuma berupa titik.

3. Cut

C yang ketiga adalah Cut atau bentuk potongan batu. Perhatiin bentuk potongan batu akik secara seksama baik dari tingkat presisi ukuran maupun jenis potongannya. Carilah bentuk dengan potongan simetris yang baik tinggi, panjang maupun lebarnya. Beberapa jenis batu dapat memiliki tolak ukurnya sendiri dalam urusan bentuk, misalnya batu bacan yang berbentuk pola oval cabochon yang tebal guna memaksimalkan keindahannya. 

4. Carat

Terakhir adalah Carat atau ukuran berat (volume). Sebelum membeli batu akik, kita harus memperhatikan kesesuaian berat. Beberapa batu kayak bacan atau chalcedony memang cenderung lebih berat karena memiliki material berupa logam (ferium) yang terdapat didalamnya. Metode ini juga bisa meminimalisir dari kemungkinan dapet batu akik yang palsu, karena material batu buatan pasti akan jauh lebih ringan daripada batu.


Draf Struktur Kurikulum Baru SD 2013


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Sesuai dengan Rencana Pembangunan Jangka Menengah Nasional (RPJMN) 2010-2014 di sektor pendidikan, penataan kurikulum pendidikan menjadi salah satu target yang harus diselesaikan. Rencananya pada Juni 2013 nanti, sekolah yang ada di Indonesia sudah mulai menggunakan kurikulum baru yang kini masih dibahas. Draf perubahan kurikulum sudah dipaparkan di depan Wakil Presiden RI, Boediono, Selasa (13/11/2012).

Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Mohammad Nuh, mengatakan bahwa perubahan kurikulum ini merata untuk tiap jenjang baik dari Sekolah Dasar (SD), Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP), Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) dan Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK).

"Ini dilakukan di tiap jenjang sekolah. Tujuannya tentu untuk menjawab tantangan jaman yang terus berubah agar anak-anak ini mampu bersaing di masa depan nanti," kata Nuh saat jumpa pers di Kantor Kemdikbud, Selasa (13/11/2012).

Untuk jenjang SD, anak-anak tidak lagi mempelajari masing-masing mata pelajaran secara terpisah pada kurikulum baru ini. Pembelajaran berbasis tematik integratif yang diterapkan pada tingkatan pendidikan dasar ini menyuguhkan proses belajar berdasarkan tema untuk kemudian dikombinasikan dengan mata pelajaran yang ada.

6 mata pelajaran berbasis tematik

Seperti diketahui, mata pelajaran untuk anak SD yang semula berjumlah 10 mata pelajaran dipadatkan menjadi enam mata pelajaran yaitu Agama, PPKn, Matematika, bahasa Indonesia, Pendidikan Jasmani dan Kesehatan serta Seni Budaya dalam kurikulum baru ini. Sementara empat mata pelajaran yang dulu berdiri sendiri yaitu IPA, IPS, Muatan Lokal dan Pengembangan Diri diintegrasikan dengan enam mata pelajaran lainnya.

"Memang sewajarnya seperti itu. IPA dan IPS dijadikan penggerak dan masuk dalam materi bahasan semua mata pelajaran. Begitu pula dengan mulok dan pengembangan diri itu kaitannya nanti dengan seni budaya," ujar Nuh.

Dengan pemadatan mata pelajaran dan pembelajaran berbasis tema ini, anak-anak juga tidak akan lagi kerepotan membawa buku yang banyak dalam tasnya. Nuh mengungkapkan dengan pendekatan tematik ini, anak-anak hanya perlu membawa paling tidak dua atau tiga buku sesuai dengan tema yang dipilih pada minggu tersebut.

Belajar di sekolah lebih lama

Namun berkurangnya mata pelajaran dalam kurikulum ini justru membuat durasi belajar anak di sekolah bertambah. Nuh menjelaskan bahwa metode baru ini mengharuskan anak-anak untuk ikut aktif dalam proses pembelajaran dan mengobservasi tiap tema yang menjadi bahasan.

"Pola ini tentu tidak bisa dilakukan dengan durasi belajar sebelumnya. Untuk itu ditambah sebanyak empat jam pelajaran per minggu," jelas Nuh.

Dengan demikian, untuk kelas I-III yang awalnya belajar selama 26-28 jam dalam seminggu bertambah menjadi 30-32 jam seminggu. Sementara pada kelas IV-VI yang semula belajar selama 32 jam per minggu di sekolah bertambah menjadi 36 jam per minggu.

"Penambahan jam belajar ini masih sesuai karena dibandingkan negara lain, Indonesia terbilang masih singkat durasinya untuk anak usia 7-9 tahun," ungkap Nuh.

Pramuka jadi ekskul wajib

Dari berbagai paparan di atas, bahasa Inggris yang sebelumnya sempat disebut-sebut akan dihilangkan memang tidak tercantum dalam salah satu mata pelajaran yang ada. Ternyata untuk tingkat SD ini, bahasa Inggris masuk dalam kegiatan ekstra kurikuler bersama dengan Palang Merah Remaja (PMR), UKS dan Pramuka.

"Pramuka ini akan jadi ekskul wajib untuk berbagai jenjang tidak hanya di SD saja. Nanti akan dibicarakan juga dengan Kemenpora," tuturnya.

Demikian bentuk kurikulum baru yang akan diberlakukan pada anak-anak tingkat SD. Sistem pembelajaran berbasis tematik integratif ini sendiri telah dijalankan di banyak negara seperti Inggris, Jerman, Perancis, Finlandia, Skotlandia, Australia, Selandia Baru, sebagian Amerika Serikat, Korea Selatan, Singapura, Hongkong dan Filipina.


Keep Your Heart Healthy


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Heart Healthy

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. It is also one of the main causes of death in Canada and is killing more and more people throughout the world.

Dietary advice for reducing heart disease risk includes eating a balanced diet with less saturated fat from red meats, more fresh fruits and vegetables, more fish, less sugar, more fiber and for many people, fewer total calories. Then you can make your heart and the rest of your cardiovascular system even healthier by adding more of these foods:

Fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids that protect your heart by reducing both inflammation and the risk of blood clots. These fats also work to keep your cholesterol levels healthy. Eat salmon or other oily ocean fish like tuna, sardines or herring at least two times per week. For a heart healthy meal, try grilled salmon steaks with a green vegetable and a side salad with a sprinkling of lemon juice instead of high-calorie salad dressing.

Olive Oil
Olive oil reduces your risk of heart disease by lowering your LDL cholesterol levels. Choose olive oil for cooking, or make a nice dip for whole grain bread by pouring a bit of olive oil in a small bowl and add a bit of balsamic vinegar and a sprinkle of oregano.

Oats contain a soluble fiber called beta glucan that helps reduce total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol. Soluble fiber also helps keep your digestive system healthy. Enjoy oatmeal with just a small amount of brown sugar and plenty of strawberries and walnuts for breakfast. Cold cereals made with oats are also great with low-fat milk or soy milk plus slices of fresh fruit.

Apples contain a phytochemical called quercetin which acts as an antiinflammatory and will help prevent blood clots as well. Apples contain vitamins and fiber, come in several delicious varieties and are portable. Eat an apple with a handful of walnuts or almonds as a healthy snack or add apple slices to your healthy salads.

Almonds and other nuts contain healthy oils, vitamin E and other substances that will help keep cholesterol levels in check. Almonds are also a good source of protein and fiber. Almonds make a great snack on their own, or sprinkle slivered almonds on green beans or asparagus with lemon juice as a deliciously healthy side dish.

Red wine
Red wine contains a powerful antioxidant called resveratrol. Resveratrol has been shown to be good for your heart. Be sure to enjoy red wine in moderation. Studies show that only 4 to 8 ounces of red wine is needed each day.

Whole Grains
Whole grains provide vitamins and fiber that will help to keep your heart healthy. Make a deliciously healthy sandwich with two slices of 100-percent whole-grain bread, three ounces of lean turkey breast, lots of sliced tomatoes and avocado, plus lettuce and a bit of mustard. Switch from white pasta to whole grain pasta too.

Green leafy vegetables
Green leafy vegetables contain folate, which helps to keep homocysteine levels down, and vitamin E. Green leafy vegetables have also been associated with better retention of memory as age. Try using fresh spinach leaves or other greens for your favorite salad instead of iceberg lettuce.

Tomatoes are packed with vitamins and lycopene, which has been shown to reduce heart disease risk. Add thick slices of tomatoes to sandwiches and salads or enjoy tomato sauce on whole wheat pasta. In fact, cooked tomato sauce and canned tomato sauce that you buy in the store both contain more lycopene than raw tomatoes.

Soy protein has been shown to prevent heart attacks and soy makes an excellent protein substitute for red meat, which will reduce your saturated fat intake. Add tofu to your favorite stir fry or pour soy milk on your morning cereal.


places women want to be touched


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Forget a woman's cleavage, there are more erogenous spots that you can now explore to get your lady sexcited. Read on to discover her ten most sensuous body parts waiting to be discovered.

Women are sensuous creatures and they love being kissed and caressed. What guys often mistake is that they go straight for the woman's breasts or other private parts, without concentrating on her other moan zones. So, if you want to get your gal into the mood, stimulate some of her often-neglected body parts.

Touch these places during for*play and sex, or just give her some pleasure after a hard day and she'll surely reward you with brownie points in bed.

All guys like women with gorgeous locks. But what you need to know is that women love being touched on their head. It's quite a stress reliever. Running your hands sensuously through her tresses is likely to send shivers down her spine. Massage her temples to the nape of her neck and she’ll be game to your desires.

Nape of her neck
In ancient Japan, the back of a woman’s neck was considered extremely attractive by men as it was one of the few zones that were not covered by the elaborate kimono. Today, very few men focus on the nape of the neck, but we suggest you build up the pleasure by gentle touching and kissing your lady love from her hairline down to her shoulders. It will make her reach dizzying heights of pleasure.

Collar bone
A well-defined collarbone is what men find irresistible. So, why not touch and kiss her there. Unbutton her shirt just a little and stimulate her collarbone with your touch. Create circles with your tongue and give her love bites right there, just to remind her of how much you want her.

Small of her back
Most women love it when their guy places his protective hand against the small of her back as it shows that he feels very strongly about her. So, why not incorporate this gesture into your for*play routine, by kissing or licking down her spine to end up with a kiss on the small of her back. It will definitely get her into the mood for more!

Behind her knees
This area is a power house of sensitive nerve endings. You can gently caress the back of her knee under her skirt while the two of you are in an open public space as it is sure to get her excited by the time you reach home.

Palms of her hands
We use our hands to please our partners, but have you ever thought that you could arouse a woman by stimulating the palm of her hand? Run your finger along her palm as that will make her feel relaxed and ready for a sexy rendezvous ahead.

Her earlobes
This is one of the most erogenous moan centers of a woman's body. Touching, kissing and even gently biting her earlobes will send her into a sexual tizzy. If you are getting extra adventurous, simply nibble around the outside of the rest of her ear as well, but don't put your tongue inside her ear. That's a major turn off!

Happy feet
There's nothing more sinfully seductive than a foot massage. It will help her relax, especially if her job requires her to be on them all day. Get yourself some aromatic massage oil or lotion. Pay extra attention to the pressure points such as her toes, ankles and the sides of her feet too. Some women love enjoy having their toes sucked, but others find it repulsive, so ask your babe what she would have you do before putting them in your mouth.

Soft thighs
Touching a woman's inner thighs without touching her private parts is the most sensual tease that is sure to get her all charged up. Employ your hands and mouth to caress and kiss the insides of her thighs, remember to pull back before going all the way.


All About Smoking


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Since I'm new, I thought I'd contribute with some info on using self hypnosis (similar to meditation) to kick the bad habit, smoking...

There’s a lot of talk about using self hypnosis to stop smoking. In fact using self hypnosis to stop smoking is one of the most commonly utilized methods to quit this dirty habit. But is it really possible to “kick the butt” using self hypnosis, and if so how?

The good news is that most people can be hypnotized, and fairly easy at that. The people who cannot be hypnotized are most often resisting it, or trying to prove the system wrong. But if you’re willing to accept hypnosis, you’re more than likely able to enjoy the benefits thereof.

Using self hypnosis, you can put yourself into a light trance, or heightened state of consciousness (similar to that of meditation), where you then utilize the power of suggestion. What is the power of suggestion, you ask? This is simply another form of affirmation. You can create affirmations such as:

•I am fit and healthy
•I take good care of my body
•I respect my body and my health

What then happens, over time, is that these beliefs (or affirmations, suggestions) become imprinted in your consciousness, making the process of giving up a bad habit like smoking (which is neither fit, nor healthy, nor respectful towards your body) much easier. The main factor here is that you are working from the inside out (changing your mindset, which in turn changes your habits), as opposed to trying to work backwards.

We all know and understand that our thoughts become things – our world is manifest from our mind. Therefore using hypnosis to change a habit is certainly one of the most effective ways to quit a bad habit, like smoking.

But how does the average person use self hypnosis?

Hypnosis, like meditation, is a skill and art form which can take many years to master traditionally. The good news is that there are now many self hypnosis audio programs available. The way that these programs work is by using different sound waves in each ear to direct the brain into a hypnotic or meditative state. The result is exactly the same, and its much easier to achieve the correct state of mind using these programs.

Whether you decide to try using self hypnosis to stop smoking, or any other method, I wish you all the best. A healthier, happier life awaits you.


U.S. report slams HSBC's anti-money laundering efforts


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U.S. report slams HSBC's anti-money laundering efforts

A "pervasively polluted" culture at HSBC Holdings Plc allowed the bank to act as financier to clients seeking to route shadowy funds from the world's most dangerous and secretive corners, including Mexico, Iran, the Cayman Islands, Saudi Arabia and Syria, according to a scathing U.S. Senate report issued on Monday.
While the big British bank's problems have been known for nearly a decade, the Senate probe detailed just how sweeping the problems have been, both at the bank and at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, a top U.S. bank regulator which the report said failed to properly monitor HSBC.
"The culture at HSBC was pervasively polluted for a long time," said Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the U.S. Senate Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, a Congressional watchdog panel.
The report comes at a troubling time for a banking industry reeling from a multi-country probe into the manipulation of global benchmark rates. Last month, rival British bank Barclays Plc agreed to pay a $453 million fine to settle a U.S.-U.K. probe into the rigging of the benchmark interest rate known as the London interbank offered rate, or Libor.
The report caps a year-long inquiry that included a review of 1.4 million documents and interviews with 75 HSBC officials and bank regulators. It will be the focus of a hearing on Tuesday at which HSBC and OCC officials are scheduled to testify.
The bank and the regulator are expected to face tough questions at the hearing about how the abuses were allowed to continue, even after the OCC took regulatory action against HSBC in 2010. A Reuters investigation found persistent and troubling lapses in the bank's anti-money laundering compliance since 2010.
In an emailed statement, HSBC said the Senate report had provided "important lessons for the whole industry in seeking to prevent illicit actors entering the global financial system."
The bank said it is spending more money on compliance and has become more coordinated in policing high-risk transactions.
The report also contained strong criticism of the OCC, saying the regulator failed to crack down on the bank despite multiple red flags, allowing money laundering issues "to accumulate into a massive problem.
Thomas Curry, who took over as comptroller less than four months ago, said in a statement on Monday that anti-money laundering compliance "is crucial to our nation's efforts to combat criminal activity and terrorism, and the OCC expects national banks and federal thrifts to have programs in place to effectively comply with these laws."
Curry said the Senate report had made a number of "thoughtful" recommendations, "which we fully embrace."
Among HSBC's problems, the report described the bank's compliance division as unable to battle the suspect money. High turnover of top compliance officials made it difficult for reform to take hold, the report said. Employees were "overwhelmed," by a mounting number of suspect transactions that needed review.
"We're strapped and getting behind in investigations," one bank official wrote in June 2008. By that time, HSBC was cutting costs to offset losses tied to subprime home loans and the brewing financial crisis. In 2010, one disgusted top compliance official threw up his hands and quit after less than a year on the job, according to the report.
Typical of the problems inside the bank were transactions tied to Mexico, a country the report said is "under siege from drug crime, violence and money laundering."
HSBC, according to the report, helped move money for a Mexican foreign-exchange dealer called Casa de Cambio Puebla that served as a hub for laundered proceeds, according to the report.
Between 2005 and 2007, there was a "growing flood" of U.S. dollars moving between the exchange house and HSBC, setting off red flags inside HSBC. Some bankers claimed the transfers were legal. One said the money came from Mexican landscapers working in the United States and routing money back home to their families.
HSBC ultimately closed the account in November 2007 after it received a seizure warrant from the Mexican attorney general seeking money tied to the exchange dealer, the Senate report said.

(Reporting by Carrick Mollenkamp; Editing by Alwyn Scott and Tim Dobbyn)

Shell Oil ship slips anchor; incident raises questions about Arctic drilling plan


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Shell Oil ship slips anchor; incident raises questions about Arctic drilling plan

One of the ships that Shell Oil plans to use to drill in the Arctic slipped its mooring and drifted close to one of Alaska's Aleutian Islands, the latest in a string of incidents to arise around the controversial project.
The Noble Discoverer was about 175 yards from shore in Unalaska Bay when it slipped its mooring Saturday and drifted towards shore near Dutch Harbor, Coast Guard Petty Officer Sara Francis said.
"There are no reports of injuries, pollution and damage to the Noble Discoverer," she said Sunday night.
The incident raised concerns of a possible grounding near Dutch Harbor, though Francis said there was "no damage to the hull or evidence it ran aground."

The Noble Discoverer, right, which Shell Oil plans to use for Arctic drilling, slipped its mooring Saturday.
The Noble Discoverer is one of roughly two dozen ships that Shell is sending to the Beaufort and Chukchi seas in the Arctic to drill exploration wells in the harshest climate in the world.

Opinion: The stakes are huge
Pete Slaiby, the vice president of Shell Oil in Alaska, told CNN recently the drilling in the arctic would be the "most complex, most difficult wells we've drilled in company history."
Proponents say if Shell finds oil with its Arctic drilling, it could create thousands of jobs; opponents -- Alaska's Inuit Eskimos and environmentalists -- say an oil spill could pollute the waters and damage the economy.
"Our subsistence for the winter, it all comes from the ocean, the fish and whale. It's going to ruin our ocean," 79-year-old Abagail Nashupuq of Point Hope told CNN recently.
Nashupuq has spent her entire life in the small northwest fishing village of Point Hope, which sits about 90 miles from where Shell plans to drill one of its exploratory wells in the Chukchi Sea.
Shell has been forced to postpone drilling, which was scheduled to begin this month, until August by an unexpected thick ice pack.
The delay cuts valuable time from Shell, which is operating under U.S. permits which require to stop drilling in the seas by the end of October.
Questions also were raised in June about the durability of one of Shell's underwater oil spill containment vessels in severe weather, which resulted in the vessel that was headed to one of the drilling sites to be temporarily held at port in Washington.
Opponents, primarily the Inuit and environmentalists, called for a review of the federal air permits that were issued to Shell Oil as part of its drilling plan.
Related story: Nations battle for Arctic oil and natural gas
Greenpeace, which has been leading a campaign against the drilling, issued a statement Sunday that questioned whether Shell could carry out the complicated plan if it was having problems with a ship's mooring.
Shell spokesman Curtis Smith said all indications pointed to the Noble Discoverer slipping anchor in soft ground, drifting only 100 yards toward shore.
"Shell quickly engaged one of its support vessels, the Lauren Foss, which safely towed the Discoverer back to its previous location," he said.
Francis, the petty officer, said the crew of the Noble Discoverer were interviewed.
"They did not feel any indication that the ship grounded," she said.
The Coast Guard plans an inspection of the interior of the ship's hull on Monday, the same day that Shell will use a diver to conduct a secondary inspection of the outer hull.
Smith said the anchor system used in the Arctic offshore drilling is "no way similar to the light anchor used in the harbor scenario."
Still, Slaiby promised a full investigation.
"Even a near miss is unacceptable. While an internal investigation will determine why the Discoverer slipped anchor, we are pleased with the speed and effectiveness of the mitigation measures we had in place," he said.

CNN's Greg Morrison contributed to this report
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